Web.config Settings

Posted on 5/18/2012 | Printable Version | Comments (0)

You can customize Waypoint settings using web.config application keys. The following list explains what keys are available.
To edit these, just edit the web.config file in the root of your Waypoint site and add or remove items within the <appsettings> section, using the following format:

<add key="KEY_NAME_HERE" value="your value here" />

Key Name Type/Allowed Values
 WP_REDIRECT_TO_WWW boolean false When enabled, redirects all requests from mysite.com to www.mysite.com. Permanent redirect. Disabled whenever 'localhost' found in the host.
Standard Waypoint Event View Page
Set this to a relative url in your site to override the event view page. This page should contain an Event Viewer widget to display the event which will be typically passed using the ID on the querystring.
WP_POSTVIEW_URL string Standard Waypoint Post View Page Set this to a relative url in your site to override the post view page. This page should contain a Post Display widget to display the post which will be typically passed using the ID on the querystring. 
GalleryItemViewUrl string Gallery item view page Set this to override the item view url for gallery items. 
When set to true, disables the friendly "Oops!" message. Standard asp.net error messages will be shown. Note you may need to adjust the asp.net error message settings in order to see detailed error messages. See asp.net documentation for more information. 
When set to true, disables Waypoint's email obfuscation feature. Waypoint will use encryption and javascript to prevent spam bots from harvesting email addresses off of web pages. 
WP_Local_Update_Path  string  N/A Specifies a physical, local directory on the server where Waypoint update packages are stored.
WP_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_JQUERY  true/false  false When true, enables a jquery reference on all pages in the site. When making a lot of use of jquery, just turn this on and jquery will always be present. It is a good idea to use this rather than including it directly in the site template. 
string   N/A When set to a string, redirects 404 Not Found errors to the specified path. 
 WP_MOBILE_CSS_SUBDIR  string  N/A When specified and a mobile browser is detected, uses the stylesheet with the same filename in the specified subfolder, assuming one exists. List subfolder name without leading or trailing slash.
* Note: Session variable, "WP_MOBILE_SITE_BYPASS" of type bool, will bypass this. Use a button to set this variable to go back to normal mode regardless of browser detection.
 WP_MOBILE_TEMPLATE_SUBDIR  string  N/A  When specified and a mobile browser is detected, uses the template with the same filename in the specified subfolder, assuming one exists. List subfolder name without leading or trailing slash.
* Note: Session variable, "WP_MOBILE_SITE_BYPASS" of type bool, will bypass this. Use a button to set this variable to go back to normal mode regardless of browser detection.
 WP_MOBILE_URL  string  N/A When specified and a mobile browser is detected, redirects to the specified url.
* Note: Session variable, "WP_MOBILE_SITE_BYPASS" of type bool, will bypass this. Use a button to set this variable to go back to normal mode regardless of browser detection.
 WP_MOBILE_REDIRECT_ABSOLUTE  string  N/A When set to "true", a mobile browser is detected, and WP_MOBILE_URL is set, redirects the user to the exact url specified. When set to false or not set, the user will be redirected to the same relative url at the target domain. When not redirecting to an absolute location, be sure to set the WP_MOBILE_URL to a domain name such as http://www.sample.com
string N/A When set, redirects users to this url when a login is required for a page. Uses the default Waypoint login screen when left unset. 
WP_STYLEHSEET_VERSION string N/A When set, appends the version to the stylesheet path. Changing this setting will force web browsers to reload the stylesheet, so it is a good idea to increment this setting when you make changes to you rstylesheet.
true/false  false When set to true, redirects requests without a www to the same host with www added.
 string N/A When enabled, ensures that all requests go to the primary domain. When the host name differs, redirects with a permanent redirect.


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