Ever have one of those technical issues or software bugs that are so elusive, it seems like you'll never find the answer? And then, only to find that the answer involved one changed line of code? Well this was a good example of just that.
The problem: A Wordpress blog whose RSS Feed is fed through Feedburner (now with Google) is imposing a character limit. Each post shows the first N number of characters, probably 2 or 300, and then cuts off with a "...".
Simple Answer: The first thing to check is in your Wordpress settings - there's an option to limit it to a number of characters right from there. Naturally, this wasn't the case here.
The Real Answer: After doing a lot of research, I was able to find that at least in my case, the Feed URL (in feedburner, click on Feed Settings) was set to http://ourblog.com/feed/rss. It was the /rss that was causing the issue. When we changed it to http://ourblog.com/feed, all was resolved!
Other people online reported some different solutions which
others may find useful here, incase this isn't working.